Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Great "I AM" - IS!

Fear -

I am not afraid.  I was.  But, not now.

This week I began a Bible Study, a devotional.  I believe that I have LONGED for one and really hadn't realized it.  Over the past few months the internet has been flooded with everything "God" and any and all manner of posts regarding "If you love God..."  LIKE!


Fear -

No - I WILL NOT FEAR!!!  Because God is with me each and every step of the way.  He always has been.  My problem was not remembering it.  I was too focused on LIFE and what was happening, or NOT.  But I was DEVOTED to the here and now in such a way that I literally lived "unglued."  Nothing was what it should be.  What should be IS - THE GREAT I AM!  And, I wasn't devoted to HIM.  I was devoted to me, mine, ours, yours, theirs.  Not HIM.  I left God on the back-burner of my life as I was racing through it and I needed him so desperately.  Oh, I attend Sunday School and Church and Wednesday night Prayer Meeting.  Prayer time before we put our little one to bed each and every night.  But where was my DEVOTION to GOD?

At the beginning of this year I found "Proverbs 31" and signed up for a "365 Word" that I thought would get me really motivated.  My word - TRUST.  I put my word into action.  Well, my kind of action.  The kind that when I read my bible and came across MY WORD it would get highlighted in yellow.  It was a start, right?  A start.  But "Proverbs 31" kept my attention and soon I was seeing talk of bible studies online.  Online is becoming more my style of late.  It works!  I don't have to get dressed (out of my pj's) and drive somewhere to wait for everyone to show up before we could start the class.  That got old real quick.  MORE STRESS!!!

I needed LESS STRESS and BAD!  I'm glad I kept in touch.

I was truly excited about this Bible Study beginning.  I looked forward to it.  That made my heart glad just knowing that I was in that state of mind.

This first week I have followed through.  Something I'm not good at.  (We will see if I'm successful with the Blog Hop thing - hmmmm - I'm really hoping I can do that part.)  But anyway, I went step by step, following all of the instructions as I began the bible study, book in hand, the scriptures to read; loved the idea of "verse mapping!"  I became very detailed in each step.  I was paying attention to what the scriptures were telling me...

"Let go, and let God!"  I found this in "The Search for Serenity" and the 20 seconds of insane courage.  TRUST!  My "a-ha moment" came then.  If I am to TRUST "The Great I Am" then how can I be AFRAID?  As I read the scriptures for this week with the suggestion to read the ones surrounding them I found that they all came together in one big "TRUST" without fear because HE will hold me up and give me victory!  

1 comment:

Joy Moments said...

Enjoyed your blog and I too found OBS or God brought me here last year - convenience, pjs, and much more in-depth than I was used to at my church and in the day instead of night - no time away from my husband. Thanks for sharing. Debbie W. (OBS Group Leader)

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. Charles M. Schulz